Know & Grow Learning Depot, Inc. was founded in 2019 as Friends of Dinsmore Elementary, Inc. with the generic mission of helping the school. Since then, we’ve engaged in different activities such as beautifying the grounds and installing an outside classroom. However, Know & Grow has become wildly successful and has emerged as our flagship project. Know & Grow established a tutoring program, enriched the science program, and provided Know & Grow products. This program is so popular with teachers, parents, and students that we realized we’d make a more lasting impact by limiting our focus.
Know & Grow is now our entire focus. A fresh new website is being prepared to coincide with this new school year and our focus areas:
- Kindergarten and 1st grade literacy (reading and math)
- 5th grade science
We hope focusing our efforts will provide significant measurable results. Thanks to our donors and volunteers!