Number Bond Pads
These handy pads allow children to get plenty of number bond practice. They can later re-visit their work. The children are encouraged to take them home to create their own math equations.
These handy pads allow children to get plenty of number bond practice. They can later re-visit their work. The children are encouraged to take them home to create their own math equations.
This colorful page has number bonds in all four directions. Each direction is a different color making it easy for a teacher to instruct a room full of kindergarteners. The kiddos can practice filling in equation(s) in all directions. We designed this page as teachers reported kindergarteners often get confused when a number bond is
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A gigantic ten-frame makes it easy for a teacher to lead math activities with the entire classroom. Plenty of activities with ten-frames enable children to think of numbers in terms of their relationship to ten. Mental addition/subtraction calculations become more automatic. For example, “There’s eight because two are missing.” We even provided magnetic, hanging dry
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Our after-school tutoring program is the ultimate in convenience. The tutoring can be done any time after school and without the need to travel. How can this be? The enrolled kindergarteners and first graders bring home iPads. These secure iPads only allow the students to access the learning software. Not got wi-fi? No problem. The
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Khan Academy Kids has just made a programming improvement which makes their extraordinary (and free!) learning software MUCH easier for students to use. The new password reset procedure sends an email asking the administrator if a new password is desired. Before this system enhancement, if just one student tapped the password reset button in error,
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Double-sided write-and-wipe answer boards are now available for small group learning. Children will be able to literally get a handle on number bonds. This number bond teaching tool matches the style and colors used on the gigantic number bond dry erase boards.
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Teachers use number bonds to help their students understand number relationships while developing addition and subtraction skills. A gigantic number bond makes it easy for a teacher to demonstrate to the entire classroom. A volunteer even installed sturdy hooks making it possible for kindergarten and first-grade teachers to hang these dry erase boards.
We currently have 25 kindergarteners and first graders enrolled in tutoring. The tutoring occurs both in the classroom and after school. Even though the classroom tutoring happens in small groups, each child progresses on his/her personalized learning path. A Know & Grow employee devotes 14 hours/week to assigning learning path lessons on the Khan Academy
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Waterford, the official assessment tool for kindergarten, reports Dinsmore Elementary ranked #2 in reading growth and #4 in math and science growth. This is quite an accomplishment as Duval County Public Schools has 97 elementary schools and is the 20th largest school district in the nation. Congratulations teachers and kiddos!
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Even though our classroom tutoring is in small groups, each child receives one-on-one assistance the entire time from Kodi and friends! Students progress at their own speed along our learning path. We designed our own learning paths based on teacher recommendations. We could not use the built-in Khan Academy Kids learning path as it rotates
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